Monday Sep 04, 2023

E79: 6 Months of Impactful Content in 60 mins, with Georgia Kirke

Ever felt overwhelmed trying to constantly generate content for your business?sad but relieved face
Say goodbye to stress with our guest expert, Georgia Kirke, who has cracked the code on leveraging content to create impressive visibility for entrepreneurs! raising hands
Georgia leads the WBR team in strategizing, writing, editing, designing, publishing, and promoting chart-topping business books, blogs, and podcasts. With her unique process, you can generate 6 months of content in just 60 minutes!stopwatchdirect hit
Our discussion covers:
backhand index pointing right Georgia's journey from literature student to successful business coach and content expert
backhand index pointing right Her revolutionary process of generating half a year's content in an hour
backhand index pointing right The common mistakes in content creation and how to avoid them
backhand index pointing right Striking a balance between long and short-form content
backhand index pointing right The power of promotional campaigns and how to execute them successfully
backhand index pointing right Insights into Georgia's upcoming talk at Mat Wilson’s Entrepreneurs Marketing conference
Helpful resources for today’s episode:
Want to learn more from Alexis? Join our weekly webinar and we'll show you how to free up 15 hours per week and remove the constant stress of running a business, without slowing down growth. Visit for all the details!

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